www.comfuzio.gr is the online store of promotion and distribution of the products of the company "CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD." .Our company is located at the address ANDREA PAPANDREOU 35 in MAROUSI with Zip Code 15122, Tax Identification Number: 999011660, Tax Office: AMAROUSIOU and GEMI NUMBER: 7353901000.

Make sure that you agree to the following terms and conditions, because your further use and browsing of the above website implies your explicit and unconditional consent to these terms.

1. Terms

"CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD", reserves the right to unilaterally modify or renew the present terms and conditions of transactions made through the online store, according to its needs. "CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD." undertakes the obligation to inform the users for any modifications as well as for any change through the website of this online store.

2. Information and Provided Products

"CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD." is committed to the quality, completeness and validity of the information provided on the website www.comfuzio.gr. This concerns the exact information displayed on it and the contents of its online store, the services it provides subject to any technical or typographical errors, which cannot be predicted or have occurred either unintentionally or due to interruption of the website due to force majeure.

3. Limitation of Liability

"CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD." is not liable to customers / users for damages that may arise from the use of products (except in the cases of the paragraph "RETURN - REPLACEMENT OF PRODUCTS".

"CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD." is not liable regarding the delivery time of the goods in cases of force majeure. The online store www.comfuzio.gr can provide no guarantee for the availability of the products, but guarantees the immediate information of the final consumers about their non-availability.

The online store www.comfuzio.gr provides the content (photos, information, names, descriptions, etc.), products and services available through the website, exactly as they are.

In no case the online store of "CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD", is not responsible for any claims of legal or civil and / or criminal nature, nor for any damage (positive, special or negative which indicatively and not restrictively, divisively and / or cumulatively consists of loss of profits, data, lost profits, monetary satisfaction, etc.) by website visitors or third parties for reasons related to the operation or not and / or use of the website and / and inability to provide services and / or information available from him and / or from any unauthorized interference of third parties in products and / or services and / or information available through him.

4. Intellectual Property Rights

This website is the official online store of "CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD." and official website of the "COMFUZIO"  brand and stores. All content of the website, information and products provided are the intellectual property of "CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD." and are protected under the relevant provisions of Greek and European law and international conventions.

Any copying, analogue / digital recording and mechanical reproduction, distribution, transfer, processing, resale, creation of work, or misleading the public about the actual provider of the content of the website is prohibited. Any reproduction, re-release, loading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the content in any way or means for commercial or other purposes, is permitted only with the prior written permission of "CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD". The names, images, logos, and insignia that represent the "CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD", and / or its online store www.comfuzio.gr, or third parties are contracted with them and from Greek and EU and international laws on trademarks and industrial and intellectual property. In any case, their appearance and exhibition on the website www.comfuzio.gr and in the online store of "CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD." should in no way be construed as a transfer or assignment of their license or right of use.

5. User Responsibility

The users of the website www.comfuzio.gr accept that they will not use the online store of "CHIOS TOYS ENTERPRISE TRADE SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD." to post, publish, email or otherwise transmit any content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, defamatory, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, lewd, violates someone else's privacy, shows empathy, or expresses racial, ethnic or other discrimination, may harm minors in any way, may not be transmitted in accordance with the law or contractual or managerial relationships infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary property, contains software viruses or any other code, file, or program designed to cause damage, destruction, or equipment of the operation of any lo or intentionally or unintentionally violates applicable Greek and Community law and its provisions, may harass third parties in any way and any content used to collect or store personal data about other users.

In particular, we recommend children and young people under 16 years of age to obtain their parents' permission before using or submitting information with their personal information on the website of "CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD".

6. Privacy Policy & Personal Data Security


"CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD" pays great attention to the security of your personal data as well as your electronic transactions and is committed to take all necessary measures, using modern and advanced methods, in order to provide the maximum possible security. Any information related to your personal information and your transactions is secure and confidential.

The security of the online store of "CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD." is achieved by the following methods:

Customer Identification

For your identification required the Usename (e-mail or username) and the Personal Security Code (password), which provides you with access with absolute security every time you use them. In addition, you can change your Personal Security Code (password) as well as your email address (e-mail) as often as you want. You are solely responsible for maintaining and concealing the confidentiality of your information from third parties, as you are the only one who has access to them.

In case you lose the identification codes or they are leaked to an unauthorized person, you must notify us immediately, otherwise the online store is not responsible.

For security reasons it is good to change your password at regular intervals and to avoid the use of easily traceable codes (date of birth).

Finally, you can and we suggest you to use symbols in addition to letters and numbers to create a password while the number of characters should be 8 or more.

Ensuring the Confidentiality of the Transfer of Your Personal Data

For your best assurance of the confidentiality of data transfer, the  "CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD" uses the SSL Connection encryption protocol.

Controlled Access (firewall)

Access to the systems of "CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD." (servers) is controlled by a firewall, which allows the use of only specific services by customers / users while at the same time prohibiting access to systems and databases that contain confidential data and information about the company.


Be aware that anywhere at the site you enter personal data (password, credit cards, phones, addresses, etc.) there is 128-bit SSL encryption. To better understand what encryption is, we know that it is a way of encrypting information until it reaches its recipients, who in turn can decrypt it using the appropriate key. More specifically, every time you order and after you have logged in with your username and personal code in our online store, all communication between your computer and the systems of "CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD." are encrypted using a 128bits key. In other words, every time you send information to the system, your browser first decrypts it using a 128bit key and then sends it to the system.

Security of Transactions

During the transactions made with credit / debit card (online payment) either with PayPal or through a bank, the online store of "CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD." DOES NOT store sensitive user data (card numbers, passwords, etc.). All personal, sensitive payment details are registered ONLY on the PayPal or bank platform depending on the payment method chosen by the user.

Confidentiality of Transactions

The same basic principles that cover classic transactions apply in the case of e-commerce. Confidentiality is taken for granted. Any information transmitted by the member / user of "CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD." is highly confidential and the "CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD." has taken all the necessary measures so that they can be used only within the permitted framework of the services provided.

Some of the measures taken:

Your transaction information is only allowed to be accessed by authorized personnel and only when necessary, for the most efficient processing of your requests.

The online store www.comfuzio.gr, operates in accordance with applicable Greek and Community legislation and safely keeps your personal data for as long as you are registered in a service of www.comfuzio.gr which are deleted after any expiration transactional relationship. The personal data you declare in the online store www.comfuzio.gr, are used exclusively by it, in order to support, promote and execute the transaction.

The data kept in the file may be disclosed to the competent judicial, police and other administrative authorities upon their legal request and in accordance with the applicable legal provisions. The customer has, within the framework of the legislation on telecommunications privacy, the rights of information and objection provided by articles 11 to 13 of LAW.2471 / 97.

All users have the opportunity to request information about the information that concerns them as well as to request their correction, if they are able to prove the existence of an error.
Finally, for your own safety you should also try to treat all information provided through the system as confidential and confidential and not disclose it to third parties.

Personal Data Privacy

In order to process your orders you may be asked to provide your personal information (name, surname, profession, destination of sending the order, e-mail etc) every time you visit the website www.comfuzio.gr. However, you should be aware that the personal information you provide to www.comfuzio.gr is used exclusively to improve our services, to better communicate with you and to ensure the smooth operation of the respective service and in no case are used by anyone third (except for the cases provided by law). The protection of personal data is governed by the principles of Law 2472/97 as amended by Law 3471/2006 on the Protection of Personal Data.
"CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD" allows only certain people working in the company to access your personal data and it is generally forbidden for persons to access your personal data without prior authorization.
In very rare cases, your personal information may be disclosed to companies that cooperate with "CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD." but always with conditions related to the promotion and execution of your order and with a view to your personal information not being used for illegal purposes.
If you have any questions or have a suggestion or statement you wish to make regarding the above issues please contact us, through the special form that you will find at the link:


At any time, all users have the right to be informed and to express their objection regarding the further processing of their data, in accordance with the applicable legislation for the protection of personal data.

7. Cookies

"Cookies" are small files with information that a website stores on a user's computer, so that each time the user connects to the website, the latter retrieves that information and offers the user relevant services.
Cookies can improve the browsing experience by allowing sites to memorize your preferences or enabling you to avoid logging in every time you visit specific sites. A typical example of such information is the user's preferences on a website, as stated by the choices made by the user on that website (select specific "buttons", searches, ads, etc.).
Cookies are completely safe and do not store email addresses or phone numbers. If you do not want sites to store cookies on your computer, you can block them. You can also specify which locations you want cookies to be blocked for. Blocking cookies may not allow certain pages to be displayed correctly, or you may receive a message from a site informing you that in order to view it correctly you must accept cookies.
In www.comfuzio.gr we use cookies for the best possible operation of the website, the correct browsing, the connection and the movement of the pages as well as for the provision of advertising content based on your interests and needs.
Cookies are also used to analyze how visitors use our site, how they navigate, or if they encounter a problem so that we can fix it. All information collected by these cookies is anonymous and is used only to improve the structure and content of the site.

8. Shipping & Costs

Shipping cost

When the value of your order exceeds 49 euros, you are not charged for shipping costs, with the exception of orders that contain heavy items.

When the value of your order does not exceed 49 euros, the shipping costs are set at € 3.00 for shipments by ELTA Courier and € 5.00 for shipments by ACS Courier throughout Greece. There may be differences in the charge for shipping costs in the case of alternative shipping methods and additional services.Order shipping throughout Greece is made in collaboration with the courier company ELTA COURIER or with ACS COURIER at the customer's choice.

Excludes orders with bulky or heavy products (electric cars, slides, playgrounds, bicycles, tricycles, dollhouses, etc.) which are shipped strictly with a transport company by arrangement, with fixed delivery costs 10€ regardless of the value of the product (free shipping does not apply). Orders shipped with a shipping company must be paid on time either by credit / debit card, PayPal or bank deposit as cash on delivery is not supported.

Order Execution Time

Orders placed until 13.00 from Monday to Friday are executed and delivered to the courier company on the same day while observing the order of priority. Please note that the products should be immediately available.

Orders placed after 13.00 are processed normally but delivered for shipment to the courier company the next business day.

Orders placed on Friday after 13:00 and during the weekend, are executed and delivered to the courier company for shipment on Monday (if it is a working day).

Estimated Delivery Time

The orders that are sent:*.

  • within Large Towns are delivered in 1-2 working days *.
  • in Mainland Greece are delivered in 1-3 working days *.
  • in Islands of Greece are delivered in 2-4 working days *.
  • in Inaccessible Areas of Greece are delivered in 2-7 working days *.

* Delivery time is indicative, referring to working days from the date of shipment of the order and may vary depending on the conditions.

Order delay

Any delay in your order may be due to one of the following reasons:

  • All the products that appear in our online store www.comfuzio.gr as immediately available are in stock able to meet the needs of our customers. Otherwise, the products that appear with limited stock may not be available immediately, but upon order from our suppliers. Finally, products that appear as unavailable may have been temporarily out of stock or may have been removed. In any case, you are immediately informed about any problems that may arise regarding the availability of products.
  • At peak times (eg Christmas, Easter, Halloween) where there is increased demand and a large volume of deliveries.
  • In periods of extreme weather conditions, strikes as well as in cases of force majeure, which may affect the transport and delivery of the order.
  • In case one or more products are not immediately available or are in different stores and must be collected for shipment.
  • In case it is impossible to communicate with you by phone and / or via e-mail (if there is a problem with your order, either in relation to the product or in relation to its payment) because the information you entered is not properly updated.

9. Order Cancellations & Products Returns

Order Cancellation

The customer have the right to cancel the order in the following cases:

  1. Before completing your order, during the electronic process you can go back and delete the quantities of products from the shopping cart.
  2. If you have already place your online order but it has not been sent yet, you can cancel it by calling 2106300228 in time or by sending an email to [email protected]. In case your order has been paid by credit / debit card, bank deposit / transfer or PayPal, we make a direct credit (refund) of its value, including shipping costs on the way the payment was made.
  3. In case your order has been sent but you have not received it yet, you should contact us immediately to have the shipment revoked and returned to us. The cancellation of the order and the refund, in case of payment by credit card, PayPal or bank deposit is done once the order has been returned to us in perfect condition. In this case the shipping and return costs are non-refundable.
  4. In case you have received your order you have the right to withdraw and you can contact us within 14 calendar days at 2106300228 or by sending an email to [email protected] to return your order. In this case the terms of withdrawal apply where analyzed below in the paragraph "Right of Withdrawal". The cancellation of the order and the refund, in case of payment by cash on delivery, credit card, PayPal or by bank deposit is done once the order has been returned to us in perfect condition. Shipping, cash on delivery and return costs are non-refundable.
  5. In case you have received your order and 14 calendar days have passed since the placement of your order, it is not possible to return it.

Our company reserves the right to cancel the order in the following cases:

  • Due to stock depletion in product / products of your order.
  • Due to incorrect shipping information or inability to contact to confirm your order.
  • Due to the inability to confirm payment of your order.
  • Due to inability to ship / deliver to areas not served by courier / transport companies.

    Product Returns or Replacement

    For your best service and to avoid inconvenience, we recommend that during the delivery of your order and before signing, thoroughly check the package for visible signs of damage, tears, bumps, etc. In this case, contact the customer service center directly at 2106300228.

    If you wish to change a product or want to return any defective products, for your best service follow the instructions below:

    Returns or Replacement of products are accepted:

    • In all the cases in which with proven fault of www.comfuzio.gr wrong products of  poor and defective quality were sold (error in receiving the order, in the pricing, in the shipment, damaged during the transport
    • In all cases in which there was a problem / actual defect in the product (operation or quality).
    • If the product is covered by a factory warranty, we can inform you where and how the product is repaired / replaced.

    Returns or Replacement of products are not accepted:

    • In any case, returns and changes are not accepted if the defect results from misuse of the consumer, violation of the instructions for use of the product or use of the product other than that specified by the manufacturer.
    • It is not possible to return / change / replace products with opened or damaged packaging, products with visible signs of use, food, hygiene products (protection masks, etc.)
    • It is not possible to return / change seasonal items after the end of their sale period such as Easter Items ( Candles), Halloween Items. (Uniforms and Accessories), Summer Items (Inflatables, Masks).
    • It is not possible to return products donated by promotional activities such as competition prizes.

    For all the above cases, the maximum return period for replacement may not be extended beyond fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of receipt / purchase. In addition, in all cases the product to be replaced must be accompanied by the original proof of purchase, be in the condition received by the customer, completely intact and without damage and their packaging must be the one that normally accompanies the product and is in excellent condition, along with all documents and items that came with the product (instructions, chargers, batteries, cables, pawns, cards, etc.). Prior to any return, it is recommended to consult with "CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD." on the phone 2106300228.

    Right of Withdrawal

    As a consumer you have the right to return the products of your order within 14 calendar days * of its completion without justifying your decision by following the procedure below:

    • Contact no later than 14 calendar days from the purchase by phone 2106300228 or by email at [email protected]
    • The product must be in its original condition (packaging, instructions and any accessories), without the packaging being opened and used. In case it is proved that the product has been used, the consumer is obliged to pay to the trader the lost value of the product due to the use, partial or total.
    • The product must be accompanied by all the necessary legal documents proving the transaction (proof of purchase or sales invoice).
    • The return of the order can be done either by returning the products to one of our physical stores, or by sending them to a courier company of your choice, where you will be charged the return cost.
    • Upon completion of the return you can request a refund of the value of the products with the payment method you paid for your order. Shipping and cash on delivery costs are non-refundable.

    * The 14 days start from the moment the consumer acquires physical power of the products or completes a contract for the purchase of services. The withdrawal period is 14 calendar days in all Member States of the European Union.

    Return / Replace Non-Defective Products:

    1. Return the products of your order to one of our physical stores if possible. Proof of transaction or change card is required.
    2. Return of the products of your order with a courier company. In this case, follow the instructions below:
      • Caution! Pack the product in a box so that it is protected during shipment.
      • Include in the package the original purchase receipt / sales invoice and a document stating whether you want to receive a corresponding product or another of equal or greater value. All this, of course, after the product is judged capable of change after inspection.
      • Send the parcel, through a courier company of your choice in view of the Returns Department at our headquarters "CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD." - "COMFUZIO", ANDREA PAPANDREOU 35, MAROUSI, ZIP CODE: 15122, PHONE: 2106300228. Please note that the return and shipping costs are on the customer.

    Our company does not bear any responsibility if the product is damaged during transport due to mismanagement or poor packaging and reserves the right to refuse its return.

    Return / Replace Defective Products:

    1. Return the products of your order to one of our physical stores if possible. Proof of transaction or change card is required.
    2. Return of defective products of your order with the courier company ELTA Courier. In this case, follow the instructions below:
      • Caution! Pack the product in a box so that it is protected during shipment.
      • Include in the package the original purchase receipt / sales invoice and a document stating whether you want to receive the corresponding product if it is immediately available or refund the value of the products with the payment method you made your order. All this, of course, after the product is deemed capable of being returned and provided contact with the customer service department.
      • Send the parcel, through the courier company ELTA Courier to  the Returns Department at our headquarters "CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD." - "COMFUZIO", ANDREA PAPANDREOU 35, MAROUSI, ZIP CODE: 15122, PHONE: 2106300228. Please note that the return and shipping costs are payed by our company, only if the product proves to be defective.
      • We would like to point out that in case the product does not meet the terms / conditions as a "defective product", it will be returned back to the sender and he will charged the return and shipping costs. This cost is € 6.00. (Return cost 3 € / Shipping cost 3 €)

    Our company does not bear any responsibility if the product is damaged during transport due to mismanagement or poor packaging and reserves the right to refuse its return.

    In case they are not returned within 14 calendar days then the "CHIOS TOYS SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD." may not accept any return and replacement.

    For more information on the concept of defective products and their return, you can visit the following link: http://www.kepka.gr/Grk/Lgs/Legislation/N3043-2002.pdf

    For any information we are at your disposal either by phone at 2106300228 or by e-mail.

    10. Payment Methods

    • Payment with Credit / Debit card. (In our online store are accepted only VISA, MAESTRO, MASTERCARD)

    • Payment with Cash or with Credit / Debit card at our stores. (In our stores are accepted all Credit cards)

      Choose the product you are interested in from the online store www.comfuzio.gr, contact the nearest store in your area and check for its availability. Pick up and pay with cash or Credit / Debit card at the store.

    • Payment with PayPal

    • Payment with Cash On Delivery.

      Make your purchases and pay upon delivery to the courier company employee. COD is charged 2€ per shipment.

    • Payment with deposit in our bank account.

      Following the instructions for your purchase, choose bank deposit as your payment method. The Banks we work with and the accounts are as follows:

    www.comfuzio.gr, makes every effort to provide high quality services, but nevertheless is not responsible for any errors in prices and product features and can not guarantee that there will be no interruptions in the website or human errors during the update / indication of the price of a product. For the safety and effectiveness of your purchases, we call you if you find that a product is offered at an unusually low or high price in relation to its market value, before proceeding with its order, contact the Customer Service Department at 2106300228 or by e-mail to [email protected].

    Product added to wishlist