Cookies Information

"Cookies" are small files with information that a website stores on a user's computer, so that each time the user connects to the website, the latter retrieves that information and offers the user relevant services.
Cookies can improve the browsing experience by allowing sites to memorize your preferences or enabling you to avoid logging in every time you visit specific sites. A typical example of such information is the user's preferences on a website, as stated by the choices made by the user on that website (select specific "buttons", searches, ads, etc.).
Cookies are completely safe and do not store email addresses or phone numbers. If you do not want sites to store cookies on your computer, you can block them. You can also specify which locations you want cookies to be blocked for. Blocking cookies may not allow certain pages to be displayed correctly, or you may receive a message from a site informing you that in order to view it correctly you must accept cookies.
In we use cookies for the best possible operation of the website, the correct browsing, the connection and the movement of the pages as well as for the provision of advertising content based on your interests and needs.
Cookies are also used to analyze how visitors use our site, how they navigate, or if they encounter a problem so that we can fix it. All information collected by these cookies is anonymous and is used only to improve the structure and content of the site.

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